Premiere Memphis Moving Company – 901-248-0548

When thinking of recreational vehicles, most people immediately think of confined floor plans and claustrophobia-induced home sickness, but your Memphis local movers think you may just change your mind after reading about this luxury model by Austria’s Marchi Mobile. The Elemment Palazzo breaks the mold of your standard RV, and with a three-million-dollar price tag, […]

Often, when people move into new places they get so excited at the thought of decorating and making it their own that sometimes they slip on other important factors, such as maximizing safety. Save the paint samples for week two and focus on getting some key safety issues in order! The Memphis movers want to make sure […]

The idea of volunteerism is alive and well in Memphis, and there is no shortage of charitable organizations for you to get involved with if you’d like to embark on the path of volunteering. Depending on your location within Memphis, some will be more convenient than others, but here at the Memphis movers we’re sure […]

A recent study was released that ranked the top 650 schools in the United States. While the list was filled with the usual suspects (Princeton, Stanford) taking top honors, schools in Tennessee fared quite well also. The study, which examined several factors such as campus life, student debt, rate of success post-graduation, and other elements […]

Remington College of Memphis, located off of Democrat Road & Nonconnah Blvd. is giving parents a break this back to school season and offering free haircuts for children. The event is running right now, with the set dates July 25 (yesterday)-Saturday, July 30th. The Memphis movers hear that the Remington school wants to help alleviate […]

A new study by Creative Cities International ranks Memphis as one of the cities in the USA with the strongest vital signs. Out of 35 U.S. cities, Memphis ranked at #18 based on a variety of factors such as educational levels, cost of living, housing, public transportation and resident input. The Memphis movers are proud […]

Also posted in current events

Fresh beans and peas are summertime staples to Southern cities like Memphis. Fresh peas and beans are a great alternative to the dried beans at the supermarket, and they save cook time. Lady peas are a famed Memphis veggie, and they are certainly in season. The Memphis movers wanted to share some tips with you […]

To encourage Memphis consumers to shop from local vendors and shops, a campaign called Power of the Dollar has been integrated into the Memphis economy. The idea is that the more the local economy is boosted, the more the people of Memphis will feel the benefits. For example, your Memphis movers here have learned that for each […]

Has storage become an issue for you? If you are blessed with on site storage at your apartment or home, take advantage of the resources you have in front of you! Over time, those storage closets can succumb to neglect which can make the task of organizing –let alone opening the door to– your storage […]

Your Tennessee movers here may be fairly new to the Memphis area, but we are not new to social networking. Somebody is new to the social networking game though, sort of, which may come as a huge surprise. Google, that’s right, Google is stirring up a storm of curious impatience among the majority of the […]