Many times, we get caught up on things we want or need and let that stifle our happiness. The Memphis movers want to help you harness happiness and head into the new year with a positive outlook–one that begins right at home. Follow our tips on how to be happier in your home, and share your thoughts with us!
1. Make your bed each morning. This is one of the easiest and quickest things you can do to lift your mood each morning.
2. Leave rooms clutter-free. If you are lounging on the couch and looking at a magazine, put the magazine away when you are done. If you get out coffee and make a pot, but the filters and other items used back in the cabinets. Ditto for bathroom products. Clutter=stress.
3. Get sentimental. Hang artwork created by your kids, photos of your grandparents, pictures from your wedding. Filling your home with these positive elements and happy memories helps you remember the happiness and bring it present.
4. Be grateful. Start a journal recording things you are grateful for, and a happy memory from each day. At dinner, engage the whole family to share something good that happened that day.
5. Enjoy cleaning. This can be tough, but the fact of the matter is cleaning is a necessary part of keeping a house, so you might as well enjoy the act. Play music, dance, and make it as enjoyable as possible.
6. Set goals. Have things you want to accomplish the next day clearly thought out before you wake up the next morning. It can be great or small, either way the impact on your attitude will be clear.
7. Help family members with their chores without expecting gratitude. Forming healthy relationships and maintaining them is key to happiness.
8. Call one family member or friend each day. Keep relationships clued in and stay involved in each others’ lives, even if there are thousands of miles between you.
9. Invest in togetherness. Spending money on things like a bigger television for watching movies together, or a Wii with several controllers for family game nights are the perfect purchases to increase happiness, togetherness, and positivity.
10. Take time out. In the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to overlook quiet time. Spend a few minutes every day just connecting to something greater–whether it’s going for a walk through your neighborhood and breathing in fresh air or meditating in your home, find something that helps you find inner peace. Reading a book is always a great way to decompress and disconnect too!