Premiere Memphis Moving Company – 901-248-0548

When comparing June 2012 sales figures to June 2011, it seems apparent that Memphis area home sales have fallen 2.4 percent, according to data collected and analyzed by the Memphis Area Association of Realtors. In addition, sales for June of this year were a drop from May by 11.4 percent. However, there is some good news for the Memphis movers and the local market: the average sales price has gone up over 9 percent, bringing the current average to $146,198.

Sales volume is also up for the year so far, almost 17% over 2011’s first half numbers.We’ll keep you posted on trends and data that is collected from the second half of 2012 and we’ll see if we can stay ahead of the 2011 numbers.

Utah based SkyWest Airlines is expected to lay off almost two dozen employees this fall according to a report by the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development–however, they will transfer employers rather than see unemployment. Delta Air Lines has a unit they manage called the DAL Global Services LLC, and they will be taking over ground operations for the Utah airline.

The Memphis movers have learned that SkyWest handles nine regional flights for Delta and three regional flights for United Airlines out of the Memphis hub. Those Delta flights will now be transferred to DAL Global Services.

Your Memphis moving professionals are thrilled about the National Youth Baseball Championship coming to Memphis in mid August. This tournament brings the top twelve teams in the 12 and under age group to play on Gameday’s First Tennessee Fields. A few more teams were added this year to increase the competition, so it is sure to be even more exciting than previous years. This year, the National Youth Baseball Championship picked up a new title sponsor, and the television partner, CBS Sports Network. Co-Owner of the Chicago White Sox, Eddie Einhorn is excited about the prospects for the Championship next month saying “This event gets better every year”. Your Memphis moving specialists encourage you to go out and cheer on the young teams. Maybe a future MLB star will be out there.

In the current real estate market, collaborations and teamwork can only help you to get your name out there and get property sold. Rather than competing, why not team up? That’s the attitude of many in the Memphis real estate market. Notably so, pool companies are reaping the benefits from REO bank owned properties where pool maintenance easily falls by the wayside.

Memphis Pool has accepted some REO work and rental property customers, and the experience has been interesting. While there has been little happening for remodeling, the Memphis movers have learned that repairs and maintenance needs are quite common.

With robo-signing in the past, the present is filled with our real estate industry shakily trying to get back to normalcy. Not surprisingly, foreclosures have begun to spike as homeowners are in over their heads. Compared to last year, foreclosure filings are indeed up, by about 35 percent in fact.

More than likely, the spike in foreclosures comes from the follow up litigation and sorting of robo-signed cases and filings that were delayed as cases were pending. The Memphis movers are hopeful that things begin to level out as we enter the second half of 2012 and attempt to regain footing in the local real estate market.

With so much in the news about foreclosures and lost property, its important to take a look at what gets a homeowner to that point. While falling delinquent on mortgage payments can certainly be cause for foreclosure, there’s also the property taxes that must be paid on time–if they aren’t the house can be seized by the bank.

Here in Memphis, we’ve learned there are places where financially stressed homeowners can go to get advice on managing the payments outside of simply the mortgage payment. Workshops through Regions Bank and other financial institutions can help get you on the right financial path. The Memphis movers want to see the foreclosure trend expire–seek help if you need it!

Mortgage delinquency, foreclosures, and late payments. These are the common factors in the current state of Memphis real estate. While the Memphis movers remain hopeful that there is light at the end of the tunnel, we’re ready to start seeing sunny days for our realtors, contractors, and homeowners.

The city foreclosure rates are still lower than the national average–2.65 compared to the country’s 3.41 percent.

In terms of the construction industry, Memphis is in 12th position when ranking cities in the US that have grown their construction jobs.

Graceland, the notoriously famous home of famous singer Elvis, is still a strong draw for devoted Elvis fans worldwide. The love of music and of Elvis have helped turn Memphis not only to a place where people can celebrate him–but also has created a music scene in Memphis that has been influential in saving the local economy. The Memphis movers have learned that music lovers from everywhere come to take in the spirit of Elvis.

Graceland has been open for tours since 1982. The first day the home was opened for tours, the park sold out, and it’s been a whirlwind ever since. Annually, an average of 500,000 visitors come to tour Graceland.

Following low test scores and unimpressive class performances, 150 teachers have their jobs on the line, according to The Commercial Appeal. However, these decisions were not rash or sudden, apparently principals have been tracking progress for potential teachers to let go for the past three years. Nearly 20 percent of the teachers in the Memphis public school district have underperformance problems, scoring a 1 or 2 on a scale of 5 in performance rating. Regardless, only about one-tenth of the teachers will actually be fired.

The school superintendant is calling for further training requirements for teachers and the Memphis movers have to agree. By increasing the required amount of education and training teachers must undergo, it’s likely to weed out the teachers who truly do not want to be there. The result should be not only well-trained faculty, but better performing students.

The “Rally to Protect the American Dream” in Washington, D.C. has garnered national attention, but thanks to today’s digital age those who couldn’t physically make it to D.C. for the event yesterday were able to at least participate virtually thanks to the help of social media. By utilizing the Twitter hashtag #realtorrally, Twitter users could participate in the supportive tweets and online conversation.

The Memphis movers find it worth noting that the Memphis Area Association of Realtors had an active presence on the online feed, and our own MAAR realtor, Carol Lott, tweeted the thoughts of many when she said, “No one grows up dreaming of being a tenant!”