The Home Builders Association of Memphis has seen significant developments throughout 2011 that lend hope to the notion that the local real estate market is on the path to a sort of revival. Developments, new construction, house presales, and remodeling were all occurrences in Memphis residential areas that, months ago, seemed unlikely to occur again.
While the numbers for construction and real estate aren’t near what they were prior to the recession, the signs that the market is moving in a positive direction are faintly there. Prices for homes are low, mortgage rates are even lower. Home sales are improving, but with lower costs the justification of sales is less straightforward. Membership in the realtors association has dropped as well—down to 3,825 from 5,400.
Your Memphis movers are optimistic that 2012 will bring luck and successes to the area, and also to the rest of the country.