Premiere Memphis Moving Company – 901-248-0548

This Fall season, the Memphis Habitat for Humanity will build 16 new homes throughout Trinity Park and Las Cruces. Trinity Park, which is a new development slated to open in Memphis, will be the first ever planned neighborhood. The three additional homes are slated for Las Cruces, in Raleigh. Here at the Memphis movers, we love charitable causes and volunteer organizations who give back to the community.

Following the construction of these homes, the Greater Memphis Habitat will have contributed almost 400 homes to the city. If you’d like information on how to help volunteer your time or materials, be sure to visit the official website for the group.


Federal Express (FedEx), the famed Memphis-based shipping transportation company, has announced that in anticipation of over 260 million shipments this holiday season (beginning December 12th) and need extra hands to get the packages shipped an delivered properly.

Between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, FedEx anticipates a 12% increase over last year’s 232 million shipments. The growth of e-commerce and popularity of online shopping fuel beliefs that the numbers will only continue to grow.

The Memphis movers want to encourage local residents looking for work to reach out to the Tennessee company and inquire about seasonal job opportunities. We want to help Memphis continue to growth and flourish and jobs with FedEx can help to accomplish that.

Investors from foreign countries seemed to have a piqued interest in Memphis properties as a means of expand financial portfolios. Residences around town have been purchased by foreign buyers through Memphis Investment Properties at an increased rate–closing 70 homes in the 3rd quarter of 2011, compared to 32 last year during the same time frame.

Investment properties are a secure investment for many looking to expand their financial holdings. The Memphis movers trust that this is also great for Memphis–the more properties moving and potential tourism to view properties will benefit the local economy.

Also, we feel that the appeal of Memphis on a global level speaks volumes about the reputation of our city. If outside markets are viewing us as a sound investment, we must be doing something right!

When thinking of recreational vehicles, most people immediately think of confined floor plans and claustrophobia-induced home sickness, but your Memphis local movers think you may just change your mind after reading about this luxury model by Austria’s Marchi Mobile. The Elemment Palazzo breaks the mold of your standard RV, and with a three-million-dollar price tag, it isn’t difficult to understand why! The Palazzo is four hundred and thirty square feet of pure on-the-road elegance; complete with a spacious master bedroom and bath, rich leather interior, fireplace, and even big screen flat panel TV’s, your Memphis mover must profess that Marchi Mobile hit the nail smack dab on the head with the production of this mansion-on-wheels!

Fitting enough to be a more permanent home, this gorgeous work-of-art-meets-residence would make child’s play out of any relocation needs its inhabitants may come across; and reaching speeds of 90 mph plus, each moving day would be not only easy, but also very quick! Your Memphis relocation specialists aren’t suggesting that you drive your home like a bat out of hell, but can’t deny how impressive those speed capabilities are for a full-blown camper! For those of you who aren’t quite ready to throw down three million large for a luxurious mobile home, your Memphis area moving company pros are here for your relocation needs in the meantime!

There has been a recent trend around Memphis which has surely made many local residents much happier to live here. Memphis area motorists have seen a massive decline in traffic citations issued by local police, a decline which began in July and which still continues. In protest to recent pay cuts, Memphis police officers have banded together with an apparent ‘no-ticket campaign’ which has resulted in more than 18,000 less issued traffic citations than the city’s average. For lead-foot drivers especially, moving to Memphis is –for now– very appealing!

Often, when people move into new places they get so excited at the thought of decorating and making it their own that sometimes they slip on other important factors, such as maximizing safety. Save the paint samples for week two and focus on getting some key safety issues in order! The Memphis movers want to make sure your experience is a positive one, so follow these tips and you’ll be relaxing in your new digs in no time.

Firs things first–get renter’s insurance. Without it, there’s really no protection available for your things. This is when the old adage “better safe than sorry” is absolutely relevant.

Before you move in, make sure your landlord changes the locks. Previous tenants may have made key copies–and in that scenario, they have access to your home and your belongings. This is a serious safety red flag! Save yourself the potential danger and switch the locks out–also, while you’re requesting that, be sure your front door has a peephole as well. You shouldn’t be forced to open the door blind to whoever is on the other side.

Notify the post office when you are going out of town to avoid a buildup of mail outside. Ditto for the newspaper. These are both giveaways that no one is around collecting these things.

Stay safe, Memphis!

As we head into October, Fall is around the corner. With that in mind, the Memphis movers want to help you transition your home to prepare for the change of seasons.

First, rotate your closets to put the summer clothes away in storage and bring out the coats. While this may seem less important, what you put on each morning is an essential part of your day and you want to be prepared. While you may not need you heavy jackets in the next week, having scarves and light jackets available will help you transition into fall.

As you do this, take inventory of what you didn’t wear at all this summer–and get rid of it. Not only will you be clearing clutter out, you’ll be sending it towards someone who could truly benefit from having it.

Tackle the garage and other storage. Sports equipment or things that are outgrown should be given away. You want to make sure your clutter never gets to the point where your garage can’t fit your car–that’s what it’s for! As the potential for bad weather and ice increases, you’ll want your car protected away in the garage and out of the way.

As far as other clutter–shred papers, scan documents, and lighten your paper load! The less stuff you are hoarding in your home, the more at peace you will be and the less you’ll have to pick up and continually put away.


Many Americans are in the situation where less money is coming in, but the same amount (or more) needs to be paid out. Thankfully, the Memphis movers want to help you organize your home spending and utilize tips that can help you spend less on your home while still paying your bills. Some require moving, some require staying still… see what’s right for you and then go full-speed ahead.

Want to stay put? Look into refinancing your home. With rates currently at an all-time low, you should be able to negotiate something that is equally effective at paying your mortgage but with less interest.

Sell your home and rent. Being a homeowner implies extra costs and work. If you are empty-nesters or simply want less space, put your house on the market and downsize.


The idea of volunteerism is alive and well in Memphis, and there is no shortage of charitable organizations for you to get involved with if you’d like to embark on the path of volunteering. Depending on your location within Memphis, some will be more convenient than others, but here at the Memphis movers we’re sure there is something for everyone.

Love the Arts? Check out philanthropic groups like ArtsMemphis need volunteers for events such as the Neighborhoods Arts Festival. Also, the Pink Palace Family of Museums needs volunteers for an event early October to help with crafts, face painting, and ticket areas. Theater fans and writing enthusiasts can get involved with Theatre Memhous and WriteMemphis Inc., respectively.

Those who are looking to help the children can find volunteer work through Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, AGAPE Child and Family Services, Infant Mortality Force, Dance Works, and DeNeuville Learning Center.

Several other organizations are listed with specific event dates and contact information here.

As a professional mover in Memphis, it is easy to think about work even when not on the job. So naturally when moving comes up, we notice around these parts! Television advertisers seem to target moving a lot, which comes as no surprise as almost everybody has had to endure a rigorous moving day a time or two in their lives. Just this week your Memphis mover here has gawked at the TV during a commercial which features people in the midst of a residential relocation. Moving in commercials obviously grabs the attention of more than just us, and probably because people are glad to be reminded that they aren’t moving! Moving doesn’t have to be all that bad though, just ask some of our clients. Check out these two commercials about moving, something tells me that David Cross could have gone a much more affordable route! do you have any favorite moving commercials?