Premiere Memphis Moving Company – 901-248-0548

Houses Appreciating in Memphis

The market for investment real estate is alive and well in Memphis, where flipping houses is a profitable and manageable form of income. Year by year, Memphis has experienced a 14.5% decline in total listings, so the cost to invest in Memphis is steadily increasing, and the Memphis commercial movers have found that it is also an ideal time to move quickly and purchase properties to ensure the best deals.

New construction in Memphis saw a 34% increase, so new homes will be hitting the market and its a great time to buy the older ones and renovate them to modern design aesthetic.

Interest rates are beginning to creep up again, out of the historic lows that we have seen for months and months on end. If you are debating a purchase in Memphis either for investment or for your family home, now is the time to snatch up existing properties!

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