Premiere Memphis Moving Company – 901-248-0548

Stumbling Santas All Over Memphis

If you moved to Memphis last month and are looking for some holiday fun, local moving companies suggest that you join the hundreds of stumbling Santas and head downtown for the annual Santa Pub Crawl.

The 10th annual Stumbling Santa Pub Crawl will take place on December 6 at the Flying Saucer Draught Emporium, at 7:00 p.m.

Grab a group of friends and dress up as your favorite Christmas characters, pick up a toy to donate to the Porter-Leath foundation, then head downtown for the largest pub crawl in Memphis. Last year, 900 Santas attended, donating over 2,400 toys, and the Porter-Leath foundation hopes that this year the attendance number will break 1,000.

Porter-Leath wants all participants to know that this is a charity event for young children and that anyone who wishes to attend should be dressed as a holiday character, and bring either a $20 donation or wrapped toy appropriate for a child under the age of five.

Toys should be taken to the Flying Saucer and then the pub crawl will commence to Jerry Lee’s and end at Coyote Ugly.

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